Arts, crafts, and things to do when your bored. Come explore an exotic world of fun, fabulous, and at times frightening beautiful ideas with me. Your tour guide Lila Elizabeth as we go on Adventures with a Tiger.
Latest Episodes
The missing Apple Watch…
Today we tell a story that restores faith in humanity…..

The Cheetah - Fastest cat in the Savanna
Did you hear about the cat that got kicked of school? He was a Cheetah!

The old man & the Tiger
Lila Elizabeth Interview

Would you Rather…..Part 1
Aloha, today we talk with a friend about some funny business….

Baking Tiger Tarts & Logical Fallacies
Baking with a tiger….. Homemade pop tarts are muy delicioso! Today we learn that the purpose of an argument is to solve a problem.